If a website is marked as blocked based on a content category but you wish to only unblock a specific domain for your organizations needs, follow the steps below.
Important: adding any website to the Allowed list will unblock it, including from our core categories of inappropriate content.
Via AppConfig Generator
You can add any websites to your allowed list by using Jamf's AppConfig Generator. This provides an easy to use interface and allows you to export the contents which can be copied into your Mobile Device Management solution.
Manually adding Blocked and Allowed Websites
For this policy, we recommend using the AppConfig Generator in order to set your preferred content categories. In the dropdown, type 'spin' in the drop down list and choose com.nationaledtech.spin/current/appconfig.xml.
URL formatting important when adding a website to the blocked or allowed list. You must include the whole URL: http://example.com. Adding a URL that exists in a currently blocked content category into the Allowed list will overwrite its blocking and be allowed.
<key>Blocked Websites</key>
<key>Allowed Websites</key>
I have generated and downloaded a plist file but have no clue what to do next. Where can I implement the file? What is my MDM solution?
Hi Daniel - this process is designed for managed iOS devices and our special version of SPIN Safe Browser for MDMs. That means that would have a Device Profile installed on the iPad or iPhone and you can manage apps and other settings on your iOS devices. Mind contacting us at support@nationaledtech.com and we can get more information on your designed outcome?
Hi JP, thanks for your quick response. I hadn't understood that, I was searching for options to whitelist a website and found this page. We don't have iOS devices. I have sent an email to the support address indicated. Thanks again!
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