Turning Off Filter Chrome Notification WILL mean that you can't get a Token until you re-enable Notifications; Visit: I've requested a Token but still haven't received it . Can you help?
Google requires we show a permanent notification when an app is running the background. On Android 8.0 (Oreo) and higher, you can turn off this notification without affecting other notifications (Token requests).
How can I turn off the permanent notification?
Perform the following steps from your device.
If you have Prevent Removal enabled, you will need to request a token in order to access Filter Chrome's notification preferences.
1. Open Android Settings
2. Tap on Apps (sometimes named Apps & notifications)
3. Look for Filter Chrome in the recently opened apps list or tap on Notifications > Filter Chrome.
4. Uncheck Important Background Work Notifications
Filter Chrome will continue to run in the background but no longer show the permanent notification. Token requests in self-managed or accountability mode will also be hidden as they are considered a background notification.
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