The daily reports are set to be sent at night, no matter what time zone. However, if the device is Off, then the report is not sent at night and is then sent the next time the device checks into our server so would likely be the next morning/day when the device is turned back on and connects to our server.
In essence, it’s not a daily report per se and covers the period of time from when the last ‘daily report’ was sent. For optimal delivery, setup a bedtime schedule so that the device can’t be used late at night and then leave the device on at night. Then it will check into our server during the night and a report will be generated showing the usage for the day.
Tip: If you have the CHILD Device with you, you can open Boomerang, tap on 3 dots and then Update Status. This forces the device to check into our server immediately and then the information in the reports is current to that time.
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