Parents looking to monitor calls and text messages on their child's Android device, please this article first. Before you begin, here are three choices to start from:
I have an account
I'm new to Boomerang
I want to install Parent Mode
I have an account
The following steps apply to each Android child device you want to setup Boomerang on. The steps below focus on installing Boomerang Parental Control in Child Mode (for child devices).
1. Open Google Play and search for Boomerang Parental Control or tap on the link here:
2. Tap on Boomerang Parental Control in the Google Play results
3. Once installed, tap OPEN and you will be greeted by our welcome screen. Tap LOGIN.
5. Accept the permissions - the screenshot on the left is from our sideloaded version that offers Calls and Text safety features.
6.Tap NEXT > Boomerang Accessibility Permission (you may have to scroll down to find it) > toggle on the Use service switch.
7. Tap NEXT > on the Activate device admin app? screen, scroll down and tap on Active this device admin app. We protect our app against tampering with the Device Administrator service.
8.Tap NEXT > toggle the Allow display over other apps switch for Boomerang Parental Control. Blocking apps requires the Display over other apps permission.
9. Tap NEXT > Boomerang and toggle on Permit usage access.
10. Adjust the Daily Device Limit. This is the daily time limit you want to set on your child's device.
11. Set the Screen Time Schedule. You can adjust individual days via Parent Mode after.
12. Choose Encouraged Apps already installed on your child's Android device. Typically, apps that are of educational value are highly recommended. Apps selected here will not countdown the daily device time.
13. On the Additional Options screen, all options are enabled. Tap NEXT to login to your group. The screenshot on the left is from our sideloaded version that offers Calls and Text safety features.
14. Enter your group email and password, give the device a name (your child's name is a good idea) and tap LOGIN.
ℹ For users with Samsung devices, accept the KMLS agent license agreement after you tap LOGIN. This is what enables our additional features exclusive to Samsung devices.
That's it! At this point, your child's device is setup and enrolled in your family group. Make sure to install Boomerang Parental Control on your parent device to control and monitor.
Additional Tips
- Battery Savers - tips how to make them work well with Boomerang Parental Control.
I'm new to Boomerang
1. Open Google Play and search for Boomerang Parental Control or tap on the link here:
2. Tap on Boomerang Parental Control in the Google Play results
3. Once installed, tap OPEN and you will be greeted by our welcome screen. Tap I'M NEW.
ℹ️Tap LOGIN if you already have a group with our service.
5. Tap NEXT > accept the app permissions. The screenshot on the left is from our sideloaded version that offers Calls and Text safety features.
6. Tap NEXT > Boomerang Accessibility Permission (you may have to scroll down to find it) > toggle on the Use service switch.
7. Tap NEXT > on the Activate device admin app? screen, scroll down and tap on Active this device admin app. We protect our app against tampering with the Device Administrator service.
8. Tap NEXT > toggle the Allow display over other apps switch for Boomerang Parental Control. Blocking apps requires the Display over other apps permission.
9. Tap NEXT > Boomerang and toggle on Permit usage access.
10. Adjust the Daily Device Limit. This is the daily time limit you want to set on your child's device.
11. Set the Screen Time Schedule. You can adjust individual days via Parent Mode after.
12. Choose Encouraged Apps already installed on your child's Android device. Typically, apps that are of educational value are highly recommended. Apps selected here will not countdown the daily device time.
13. On the Additional Options screen, all options are enabled. Tap NEXT to login to your group. The screenshot on the left is from our sideloaded version that offers Calls and Text safety features.
14. Enter your group email and password, give the device a name (your child's name is a good idea) and tap CREATE.
ℹ️ For users with Samsung child devices, accept the KMLS agent license agreement after you tap I'M NEW. This is what enables our additional features exclusive to Samsung devices.
That's it! At this point, your child's device is setup and your group is created, ready to add more family devices in your family group. Make sure to install Boomerang Parental Control on your parent device to control and monitor.
Additional Tips
- Battery Savers - tips how to make them work well with Boomerang Parental Control.
I want to install Parent Mode
1. Open Google Play and search for Boomerang Parental Control or tap on the link here:
2. Tap on Boomerang Parental Control in the Google Play results
3. Tap OPEN and you will be greeted by our welcome screen. Tap I'M NEW if you are creating your group for the first time. Tap LOGIN if you are adding your parent device to your family group.
5. Enter your email/password and name your device, Tap CREATE or LOGIN. Parent Mode setup is now complete.
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