Some parents want YouTube Blocked and others not but all want a safer YouTube so SPIN always enforces YouTube's Restricted Mode. By default, we block YouTube only on iOS Devices as this was a requirement by Apple to have SPIN Safe Browser rated Age 4.
If YouTube is blocked in SPIN, you can enable it. Here are the methods:
For Kids
Boomerang Parental Control for iOS Devices
Boomerang Parental Control for Android Devices
After Boomerang is installed: To unblock YouTube, log in into the web management dashboard located at: and click on the device and then the Browsing Tab. Here, click on Edit and then uncheck the YouTube Category.
For Adults
Filter Chrome for Android Devices and then you can control what sites and categories are blocked by SPIN.
By default, Filter Chrome does not block YouTube so if you are using it and YouTube is blocked, then you need to open Filter Chrome and Toggle On the YouTube category for it to work.
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