You can Time Out and Extend Time from Boomerang's Parent Mode installed on your device. Boomerang's parent mode is available for Android or iOS devices.
Your child device will show up in your Parent Mode Boomerang and you can tap on Time Out to "brick" the device. During this time out, your child will only be able to use Boomerang's Family Messenger (to contact family) and make Emergency Calls as well as Call Parent Phones (if the numbers are set as VIP Always Allowed numbers.)
If you want to cancel the Time Out, the solution is to Extend Time.
- Issue a 4 hour Time Out
- Child finishes homework and chores after 2 hours
- Extend Time for 5 mins and that will Cancel the Time Out (as well as extend time by 5 mins
You ONLY need to Extend Time for 5 mins IF You want to Cancel a Time Out.
Otherwise, things will work automatically on the schedules that you have configured in the Boomerang Web Management Dashboard and/or from your Parent Mode Boomerang.
To become a Boomerang expert and power user, please do watch this 10 minute YouTube video: It reviews all the features and functions of the Boomerang Web Management Dashboard which is available at:
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