Parents can flag apps on their child's device as either Encouraged or Always Allowed. In both cases, the apps will not countdown the daily allocated limit.
Always Allowed apps will also be able to work past any Scheduled Screen Time blocks. This means, these apps effectively work anytime and will never get blocked unless a parent uses our Time-Out feature from Parent Mode.
In both scenarios, our Parent Mode Time-Out control will block apps in the Encouraged/Always Allowed state.
Examples of apps that be used as Encouraged/Always Allowed:
- Encouraged apps like Music, School apps etc but you want them to be blocked for bedtime or other blocks of time.
- Always Allowed apps like reading (Amazon Kindle app), bible, etc. which you are OK they get used anytime
Examples of apps that shouldn't be added to Encouraged/Always Allowed:
- YouTube, Web Browser (even SPIN!), Games and Social media apps.

How to add Encouraged or Always Allowed apps
From your parent device: open Boomerang > tap on Manage on a child device > Manage Apps > scroll to the app you wish to add and chose the app mode.
From our web dashboard: Login with your group email/password, click on a child device > Always Allowed tab > add an app from the installed apps on your child's device > toggle on Anytime if you want the app to be Always Allowed.
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