Google Play can sometimes display error messages when purchasing an in-app purchase. Here are a few common troubleshooting steps in case your encounter similar issues. In most cases, following these resolves purchasing errors.
Common Errors
Error while retrieving information from server DFDFERH-01
The item you requested is not available for purchase.
Do you have the latest version of Boomerang?
For parents, check your device's Google Play app and make sure you are on the latest version of Boomerang. Parent devices should use the latest version of Boomerang from Google Play (the version from our website should be used on child devices only).
1. Clearing old cache files
Clear the cache from the following apps: Google Play Store, Google Services framework (if you cannot see this app listed, tap on more options to reveal System apps).
Go to Android Settings > Applications (also known as Apps & notifications on some devices) > Google Play Store > Storage > tap on Clear storage and Clear cache.
Repeat the same steps for Google Services framework.
Try buying again. If you still have an error, try step 2.
2. Uninstall Google Play updates
Google Play updates can sometimes introduce new bugs that prevent users from purchasing in-app purchase.
Go to Android Settings > Apps & notifications > Google Play Store (you may have to show all apps). Tap on Force Stop then Uninstall updates can be performed from the main app listing or tap on the three dots (top right) > Uninstall updates. Restart your device.
Try buying again. If you still have an error, try step 3.
3. Log out of your Google account
Sometimes logging out of your Google account and logging back in can sometimes fix purchasing issues.
Go to Android Settings > Accounts > Google and tap on Remove account. Data will not be lost as normally all of it will be synced with Google's cloud services (true for Google accounts).
Re-add your account then restart your device.
Try buying again. If you still have an error, try step 4.
4. Enabling special permissions for Google Play
Normally these permissions are enabled but maybe they were disabled.
Go to Android Settings and search for "usage". This will bring up Usage Access or Special App access shortcuts in the search results. Tap on it and confirm that the permission is toggled on for both Google Play services and Google Play Store.
Try buying again.
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